
What is a family?
Is family just people who you grew up with?
Is family a mother, father, brother, sister, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents?

Or is family people who are by your side when you need support, love, encouragement or a shoulder to rest upon?

By definition Family is: using the English Oxford Living Dictionaries:

  • a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household
  • all the descendants of a common ancestor
    Geese, Goose Family, Family, Goslings, Water, Swim

I believe family are people who love, support, encourage and are there for you through the joys and darkest times of your life. Who never leave you no matter what is going on or what you are going through. Who are willing to sit by your side in silence and surround you with light and loving energy. They are someone who reaches out to you, just when you need them. They are so in-tune with energies that they feel your need and race to your side to be with you even if you didn’t even realize you were in need.

There are many types of families and I am sure the word means different things to each of us. The main thing to remember is that Love comes from the Heart and reaches across to touch yours.

So whether your family is a bunch of like-minded people or family by the common definition. Know we all are all connected.

Reaching each with Love, Kindness, Compassion, and Forgiveness is always God’s way. Be gentle with each other and with self. You may not always be in complete harmony but listen with an open loving heart and you may be surprised, how things will turn around for everyone’s highest good.
Love, Valentine, Romantic, Background, Heart, Vintage

Love is always the way to go!

This message was channeled to me by Archangel Gabrielle as part of my Spiritual Team.

Blessings and Love,
Owl, Animal, Bird, Funny, Family, Father, Mother, Child